Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My lesson for today
I felt like I wanted to say something to her, but I also knew that it really wasn't my place. So, I instead called another friend and vented my frustrations. My friend calmy asked me why was I surprised... I then told her that I honestly thought that this person would've matured by now and how I just couldn't understand it why she was still doing crap as if she was only 21!!!
Well, right after the conversation between my friend and I, I opened up an email that another friend sent. It was a daily devotional that talked about how two men were walking down the street talking. However, the men were so busy bumping their gums to realize that Jesus was also walking with them!!
Now from the outside looking in, one would probably say with confidence and their chest poked out "I would've known Jesus if he was walking with me!!!" But, would you really??? For me personally, I can't think of how many times I've gotten myself so worked up over trivial things that the things that are most important often get neglected!
Needless to say, I'm thankful for my lesson for the day because it served as a glaring reminder that I've got to do better...while I was busy thinking about how silly, messy, inmature this person was, I could've or SHOULD'VE been busying myself with was can be done in my OWN life. Either way, I don't know if this thought helped anyone but it definitely helped me! Happy Wednesday :)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
New Kids on the Block - Single Ft. Ne-Yo
Has anyone heard this song??? OMG...I freakin love it!!!!! I almost feel like it's '89 and I'm rocking to "Hanging Tough" or "Step by Step" in my stone-washed jacket!!! HA! Watch and enjoy :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Why Wednesday

1) Why am I really thinking about not watching the last presidential debate??? ((((GASP!!!))))) I can't explain the feeling besides the fact that I found myself screaming about the tv so much on the last one that I might need to refrain from putting myself under undue I'm very doubtful that they'll talk about anything new that hasn't already been rehashed over a thousand times already?
2) Speaking of the debate...why do I get the feeling that SOME people (I'm not going to be specific) are actually scared of the idea of Sen. Obama becoming president??? I seriously have my own ideas on that one and could go on for days but I'm not gonna elaborate on that one, just throwing it out there... but please notice the pic that I have posted above
3) Why is that some people just don't get it when it's CLEARLY obvious that you do not want to be bothered at that time...almost nothing burns me up more than someone attempting to talk to me when I'm not in the mood...oh, but do not let the convo consist of meaningless banter...that's definitely a recipe for disaster!!!
4) Why have I NOT gotten past phase ONE of the South Beach Diet but have managed to lose 10 lbs? Great diet that fits well into my lifestyle EXCEPT for the fact that you cannot drink alcohol for 2 weeks??? (BTW, I'm not a lush; just prefer an occassional cocktail every now and
4) Speaking of health...Why do people wait until their health is seriously on the verge of breaking them down before they actually do something??? I'm somewhat guilty of this, but I've also seen people literally heading into a brick wall (when their health is involved) and will still act of as nothing is wrong!!!
5) Why am soooo excited about the Magic City Classic??? My friends and I have been carefully all the details of the weekend -- from the events that we plan to attend to the outfits...Did I mention that I have every intention to wear my newly acquired Alabama A&M Bulldog t-shirt to tailgate (the best part of the whole affair) and I'm sooo excited to participate in this year's events as a "tuition-paying, book-tooting, student fee-having" student (and future alum) of ALABAMA A&M?!?!?!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Loose lips with lipstick sinks ships....Go Obama!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Don't mind me as I get on my soapbox...
I don't understand why people have to associate the fact that if someone differs with your political position then that person automatically qualifies as a person who should be loathed. PEOPLE, THIS IS JUST POLITICS!!!!!! Get over it and get over yourselves!!!
2) People who get themselves caught up with the media hype that surrounds a political campaign bother me...seriously. I can't tell you how it sickens me that as soon as the media hype surrounds a candidate, then people flock to that person in droves... they did it with Obama and now they're doing it with McCain/Palin. People wake up...explore the issues!!!!!! Don't support a candidate just because they're getting the most sound bites on the news.
3) If I get one more email that talks about how Obama/Biden have this campaign "in the bag" I will throw up. I watched the Republican National Convention and immediately saw that Palin was going to be a formidable obstacle for Obama. I get sick of people playing that woman short. They didn't call her Sarah Baracuda for nothing...
4) If I see/hear of one more rapper who mentions Obama within a rap that also includes the words "bitch, hoe, and/or nigga" I might just scream!!! I don't think these fools understand that Obama's campaign is not some "dog and pony show" and that people like Bill O'Reilly LOVE it pounce on music like that and spread around to the rest of their right-wing cronies. This is not the Jessie Jackson presidential campaign of '88...unlike Jessie, Barack might actually have a chance to win!!!!! Geez!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 for thought
Within his most current blog entry, he discussed how he had been in deep thought about his life, future, etc. However, one thing caught me...he was talking about he and his wife were looking to purchase another home. Long story short, they apparently decided that, for now, they were content with their current home and as long as they stayed faithful to what they already had, then their dreams would be rewarded true.
I think about my life and as well as my closet friends and think about how we get so caught up (almost consumed) into chasing something (whether it's a tangible thing such as material things or simply an idea or feeling such as love) that we lose sight of everything else....
While I believe that God takes care of everyone, I also sincerely believe that he waits to see how or what we do with what we have before he rewards with many of the blessings that we receive... So while I'm sitting up wishing that I had a new Ipod, maybe I should not only be thinking about what I'm doing with my current one but also what are my reasons for even wanting a new one especially if my current one serves me just fine... On the same token, instead of trying to figure out how or when I'll get married, maybe I should just assess what I'm doing with my current relationship and wait on God to do what He has and will always do best...and that's take care of me :)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Deadly Sin Secrets
1. LUST: Besides your current Significant Other who do you lust for or have you lusted for? Blair Underwood...saw him on a commercial for a new show and was seriously taken aback about how good he looks even though he can probably join the AARP
2. GLUTTONY: What food brings out your inner glutton?
A good Sunday brunch is sure to make me repent, and don't get it twisted I'm not talking about the brunch at your neighborhood Barnhill's either. I'm referring to the restaurants that either have smooth jazz playing or a pianist in the lobby...I seriously think that's what dreams are made of...omelettes, champagne, great music :)
3. GREED: What are you greedy for?
see previous answer, I feel that this is also very applicable to this deadly sin as well; however, on a serious note, I'm greedy for my Master's and Doctoral degree...
4. SLOTH: What is your plan for an ideal day of sloth?
Nothing spectacular...just kicking back on the couch watching meaningless shows on VH1 or MTV (i.e. The Hills, I Want to Work for Diddy, Luke's Parental Advisory)
5. WRATH: Describe a time that you let out a can of whoop ass on someone.
Lol....I've gotten better MUCH better about this one. These days, I just take a deep breath, smile, and then TACTFULLY let that person know what the deal is without losing my cool, but also letting them know what I will and will not stand motto: There's a way to say EVERYTHING :)
6. ENVY: Who or what do you envy? Why?
No one really because everyone has issues...why would I trade my life's issues for someone else's crap?!
7. PRIDE: Have you ever had to swallow your pride? What are you proud of?
I'm a very proud person and absolutely loathe asking anyone for help, however, there have been times where I've had to let go of my pride and accept the assistance that was given...for instance, my dad was recently in the hospital for a while and people would constantly ask how he was doing and I'd reply with a smile "he's fine, thanks for asking"...while that certainly was not the case, I just did not want to go the thru all the details. Anywhoo, it came a time while I was in my office at work I just felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders and I broke down. Throughout my dad's stinct at the hospital, my co-workers knew that something was wrong, but because I wouldn't share what was going on until I couldn't bear it any longer. I'm thankful to know that my co-workers sent up prayers along with my dad's numerous church members, family, and friends which eventually helped him to recover.
Anyway, if you're reading this this...TAG you're it :-)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Blogger Mishap
Keep in mind that I was extremely heated to see how Blogger was not cooperating at the time of my initial posting, however I am glad to know that my post had not been lost within the wide world of cyberspace. Anywhoo, so just to clear up any misunderstanding for those one to two people who read my blog on a regular basis (you know who you are, lol), while I felt very passionate about my distaste for the Vibrating Touch commercial, it was not my intent to have the very same post appear on my blog three times. Thank you may return to your regularly scheduled programming. Happy Monday :)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Vibrating Touch
So, I was up at approx. 3 am this morning....don't ask me why I was still up because I honestly don't even have a clue about why either... Anyway, I'm up watching VH-1 Soul (which happens to be my most favorite channel ever) and there's a commercial that comes on and it starts out with 2 women sitting in an office or something looking at a newspaper with an older lady sitting behind them. Anyway, the commercial progresses and the two women ran across an advertisement talking about, of all things, A VIBRATOR... So they're talking and they're talking... Meanwhile, as I'm watching this commercial, I becoming more and more shocked by the moment... I mean, like seriously, these two women are talking about a freakin' vibrator IN PUBLIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who seriously has a conversation like that in public?!?! Maybe it's just me, but that is so inappropriate!!! I know that every one's opinion is not like mine; you know what they say, "opinions are like a*sholes...everybody has one" so I can take that... BUT, is thinking that having a conversation about vibrators IN PUBLIC is so utterly inappropriate a matter of opinion or is really just a matter of being DECENT??? I'd like to think that the latter is true...but, again, who knows -- because I could definitely in the minority who thinks so... Either way, I think that we as a society have become sooo relaxed in our everyday lives that the Trojan company didn't think twice about creating this commercial about their new product. I mean we live in the days of a lesser personal responsibility to ourselves and others so why wouldn't the Trojan company think twice about their commercial about the "Vibrating Touch", right???
I think that I should state that I know that, as humans, it is inevitable that we will continuously evolve. I mean, human civilization has evolved from being a group of people who were governed by nothing else other than the individual consciences of every living citizen to a collective of various nations, continents, and, yeah, I get it!!! But, at some point of our evolution, are we going to just evolve ourselves right in an oblivion??? I mean seriously, my parents tell me ALL the time about how things are not the same as how they were when they were my age; and I can already see a drastic change in how things are now in contrast to when I was a little girl. I can pretty much say with confidence that a Vibrating Touch commercial would not have flown over too well in the mid to late 80's. So, just from judging how our society's tolerance for the public discussion of personal dealings like masturbation has drastically changed in 20 years, I can only imagine how it will be within the next 20 years...
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Presidential Slave

Story found on
A 25-year-old New York City graduate student is threatening to sue a T-Shirt designer after being assaulted for wearing one of his designs.The woman bought a $69 shirt from Apollo Braun's Manhattan boutique that bore the words, "Obama is my slave." When she wore the shirt on Tuesday, four teenage girls accosted her - shoving her, pulling out her earphones, and spitting in her face, according to the New York edition of Metro News.The unnamed woman is reportedly seeking solace by suing Braun - born Doron Braunshtein - for "all he's got," the designer claims. He, of course, is shirking any responsibility for the incident and says that the shirt reflects the views of "ordinary WASPs."“For a lot of people, when they see Obama, they see a slave. People think America is not ready for a black president,” the Israeli-born designer said.
“I can’t stand Obama,” Braun says, but claims that it's not because the candidate is black. “That’s the only thing I like about him. He opens the door for other minorities.”
“He reminds me of Adolf Hitler,” Braun explained, adding he does not like the Illinois senator because “he is a Muslim” — a myth that Obama apparently cannot escape.
The designer has sold several other anti-Obama styles from his boutique, including shirts with slogans such as “Jews Against Obama,” “Obama = Hitler” and “Who Killed Obama?” Dionne's thoughts on this are...
It's not that i'm opposed to anyone saying anything negative about Obama, but this???? Calling him a slave???? Really dude??? Are you SERIOUS???!!!??!! Who thinks to do stuff like this especially in this day and age???? Now keep in mind, I'm not the type person who is all about being poltically correct but regardless of where you loyalties lie, this shirt is beyond offensive!!! I'm telling ya, just as soon as you think that some progress has been made...people have to go and pull this type stuff out of their butt. Maybe if he had said something like, "Obama is my B*tch" that would've been more palatable; but to call that man a slave???? Wowww
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tuesday Topics...
1) Yesterday, my significant other and I were talking. He "suggested" that once my lease is up, that I needed to move back in with him. ERRR???? The reason, as he stated, was that we could save some money. I collected my thoughts and let him know that my cousin and I were thinking about possibly getting an apartment together for that very some purpose -- to save $$$. Well, then, he goes on to say that he feels left out and would like the opportunity to save money. Additionally, he went on to state that since we have been talking about getting married that it would make more sense to live together. But, that's when I took the opportunity to suggest that he move to a smaller apartment and in response to that, he said that the next time he moved it would be into a house... While I admire his desire to save money, I also KNOW that moving back in with him would be a recipe for disaster!!!
However, I've been trying to practice the art of negotiation as of late...AND DRUMROLL PLEASE....we decided to go to the bank and start a joint savings account!!!! He and I set up an automatic withdrawl that will some money out each time we get paid. Does it seem weird that I feel like this is an extremely grown up decision???
2) Last night, I was talking to one of my former supervisors from the Coach store. She and I have remained close throughout several years; in fact, I actually call her "my 2nd mother". Anyway, she asked me who I was going to vote for. From past experience, I've learned that you have to be careful who you divulge your politcal ideas to and judging from her reaction to my answer, I should've known better. But, I honestly thought that since we're close, that we could have a decent discussion about it...not so much.
As soon as I told her that I was voting for Obama, she immediately started ranting and raving and telling me how she disliked him and HATED his wife... Okay, and??? I don't know if she expected me to change my preference but either way I didn't really appreciate the conversation... I don't have a problem with conversing with people about politics...actually I enjoy it. However, it becomes a problem when you become too pushy about it.
3) Grad school a 101 on my midterm and a 98 on my first paper!!! Go me!!!! :)
4) One last thing, while I was typing I just found out that one of my friends since middle school has given birth to a bouncing little boy!!! Yay!!! It seems like everyone is having getting married and/or having children. That's great but I often wonder when I will feel "ready" for that stage in my life. While I was at home this past Saturday, my parents and I were talking about how one of my best friends is looking for songs for her wedding. Well, my mother tells me that she had compiled a list of potential wedding songs (and I quote) "just IN case I decided to get married". LOL!!! Apparently, my mother thinks that since I haven't jumped the broom at age 26 going on 27, then it probably isn't going to happen any time soon... hahaha
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
This might just be the life...
I must say that this working at home stuff is pretty cool. My supervisor just called me and said that she was trying to find a piece of documentation that had been lost. Well....being that we have all been given laptops, all I had to do was simply email it to her. I didn't have to rush and put on something presentable in order to go to the office. I really like this and could get use to it. Maybe our executive director will implement a policy where we can work at home 3 to 4 days of the week...that would be EXTRA cool.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
More Ramblings
2. Grad school is starting to become a little overwhelming. I keep on having thoughts about POSSIBLY pursing a Phd in social work once I get my Master's but I don't know...guess the best thing to do would be to turn it right on over to God, huh?
3. Speaking of grad school...during my weekend escape to the Big Easy I'll be doing some a little homework :( On next week, I have a 2 papers due and I have NOT started!!! We had to read Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye" and also critique 3 articles which should be directed toward our preferred topic of interest because that it most likely be the topic that we have to research throughout the duration of the program...
I hate asking people for help, so it killed me when I had to email my professor and ask her to give me some direction for the aforementioned task of critiquing journal articles. But, I'm glad I did because she gave me some good pointers... So I think I'm going to look at focusing my research toward school-aged Black males -- most notably the effects of ADHD... Let me just say that I already have my thoughts regarding this and I think that many children get misdiagnosed AND then given a label that will follow them throughout their school years. However, the situation is made even worse when you have parents that aren't really involved in their child's school life.... Anyway, I'm not gonna get on a soapbox, but I am looking forward to my research... :-)
4. A lady that my agency just hired two weeks ago just walked out last week and I absolutely had no idea!!! Lol! The agency that I work for isn't big and everyone is CONSTANTLY in everyone else's business so it's extremely laughable that I had no idea that this lady had been gone for almost a week before I even noticed!!
However, I think that it's a testament that I stay out of everyone's business because I have too much going on in my life to think about another grown woman's whereabouts. Needless to say, when I did finally ask someone where the lady was, that person literally laughed in my face and asked where had I been for the last few days? I replied, "in my own world".... lol
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday Ramblings...
2. Since we're on the subject of grad school, mid-terms are coming up and I need to study. However, I feel like I have so much on my plate and feel like I don't know where to start. I've been severely neglecting my duties of my regular job and my consumers probably think that I'm the absolute WORST case manager they've ever had :( I've got to do better. So, anyway, I'm thinking that I probably wouldn't have as much of a problem focusing on what I need to do if I started working out; I hear that a vigorous workout can bring about clarity in one's life.
So, I brought some clothes to workout in during lunch. I'm thinking positively about this one... Trying not to think of it so much as a task, but rather a chance to release... woo-saaaa
3. This morning while on FaceBook, I see that Takara (our senior class prez) has posted that it's looking like our class reunion will probably be during Memorial Day weekend next year! I must say that I'm looking forward to see everyone. I mean, you get to "see" lots of people via facebook; but to actually see them in person after not seeing some people for almost 10 years will be super cool.

However, I keep wondering if it will be like "Romy and Michelle's Class Reunion"... lol. I mean, seriously, as I just stated, I'm planning on starting to work out so in my "delusions of granduer" I keep allowing myself to think that I'm going to show up really hot and lots of guys will profess their undying love for me and I'll get the award for most changed, most beautiful, etc -- much like Romy and Michelle. Lol!!!
I mean, hey, I can dream, right??
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Time to party!!!
But, anyway, here are the details...It's going to be on July 26 and we're going to go with a theme which celebrates the late 80's early 90's... Hence the birthday invite. Click on the link and take a look :)
Dionne's Birthday invite
So, in my mind, I'm having that delusions of grandeur where the house is full and everyone is dancing to the "grooves" of that period like "Poison" by BellBivDevoe and having a FABULOUS time...and which they should seeing as how we're having an actual dj, lots of food, pleeeenty of libations! So, that should make for a good time, right?????
Well, as soon as I start thinking about it too hard, my mind decides to do a 180 and allow me to think about the flip side of it... Like no one will be dancing, the food will suck, and the dj will suck even more; and I start to panic!!!
I mean, seriously, what if no one shows up or better yet a few people show up and they decide that the party is EXTRA lame...AND those aforementioned people not only LEAVE the party but also proceed to drag my name through the mud by saying how I don't know how to throw a party!!!
I keep on telling myself that I'm serioulsy overracting. Rather than thinking about how great or terrible the party should be, I should only concern myself with the day at hand, correct? But, you know how it is when you're anticipating something and the harder you try not to think about it, the more time you actually spend thinking about it???
I mean, I seriously have much bigger fish to fry other than who's gonna show up to my party (i.e. these 2 papers that I have due within the next weeks) but I just can't stop! HELP!!!!!
But, you know what makes it worse?? The website that I used to distribute the invites gives you a minute-by-minute, person-by-person rundown of things like, "how many people were invited"..."out of the invitees, how many of them openned the email"... and THEN it tells you "how many of the invitees actually viewed the web invitation"!!! So, every since I've started sending the invitations, I've been viewing the aforementioned stats AT LEAST 6 times a day!!! UGH!!
I'm convinced that by the time the party does actually take place, I will be even crazier than I am now...and I'm probably ALREADY one step away from being declared "certifiable" and able to collect a check so that the only thing that I'll have to worry about is how many graham crackers I can consume while standing in the front door in my underwear!!!! (lol)
But, seriously, I've started texting and calling people saying things like, "soooooo...I see that you have yet to openthe email that I've sent you about my party... When are you gonna look at it?" Lol! OR, after seeing that some people have just openned the email and haven't actually been to the website just obsolutely drives me up a wall!!! Because I reason, "hey you've already openned the email, why not just go ahead and click on the link to see the actual invitation"!!!! I swear, this is party is going to be the death of me... But, maybe I should stop with the "big brother is watching you" tactics regarding the party invites and just let the party turn out the way it is destined to...but I just really do not know how feasible that will be for me to leave that alone; however, I'm gonna try!!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Did he really just slap his mother?!?!
Ok, so if you watched the video then you might be able to understand my confusion... I mean, I keep thinking that my eyes must have been fooling me or that HAD to have been a joke... because that really doesn't happen in real life, right??
Ok, seriously...who slaps their mother and what type of mother allows their own child to talk to them like that OR slap her in the face?!?!
But, thinking about it deeper, I also have to ask what happened in that family's household to make a mother and son react to each other like that?? I mean, sure, it would be easy to say that he needs one of those "throwback" whoopings where a child would have to tear a switch of the tree and bring into the house and face the wrath of an angry parent of grandparent whose perverbial toes have stepped on one too many times. But, at the same time, does one's own family's version of WWF's "Raw is War" really tend to cultivate good family values and discipline?
I don't know; but what I do know that I'm still confused. But, what I know EVEN more is that would not have been Patricia Evans and myself; because, if it were, that video would've DEFINITELY ended differently... there probably would've been a little blurb scrolling across the screen saying something like "R.I.P. Dionne...I brought you into this world and I'll take you out -- I guess you forgot that. Love, Mommy"
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thursday Randoms....
1) I really need to get better with not procrastinating!!! I mean those aforementioned reports that I'm trying to put off are due the 1st day of every month WITHOUT FAIL! However, I manage to wait until the VERY last minute to start trying to do them and end up stressing myself out during my feeble attempt to get them done!!! UGHHH!!! I guess it's too much like right to actually start this effort earlier, huh?? Geesh!!!
2) So, I finally found out that I got accepted to grad school and I'm super excited about it....HOWEVER, I have orientation on tomorrow and I have to "find" an excuse regarding why I can't come to work. I'm sure you're asking, "why would she have to find an excuse for not coming to work in order to go to orientation?" Well, I'm glad you asked ;-) The reason for my "excuse finding" is because my job does not look fondly upon employees increasing their education!!!! Personally, I think that it's a weird and sadistic practice. I mean, seriously, who wouldn't want their employees to not better their education?!?! Again, that practice is extremely strange to me ESPECIALLY since that is one of the criterion used on our semi-annual and annual evaluations!!!! But, I've been told that when management sees that an employee is going to grad school, then they essentially see that as a measure that the said employee is using to improve themselves to leave and get another job!! I mean I can see why they might be a little worried about the latter, but at the same time, why would you want to hold someone back for your own selfish purposes?!?! Or, hey, maybe I'm just crazy for thinking that...**shrugging my shoulders**
3) Don't know if anyone's been paying attention, but we're in midst of a pretty heated political season and while it's ABSOULUTELY FABULOUS and I could talk about it for days...but also I think it's also becoming a little ridiculous... But, I'll talk about the fabulous part about it first...excuse me while I get on my soapbox :) Ok, so we've pretty much gotten the Republican side of the nomination wrapped up and it's been wrapped up for a while now -- and that's great for them.... or atleast it SHOULD be great for them. BUT, in the past few days, I've been seeing how former top Republicans such as Pat Buchanan and Scott McClellan (former press sec'y for George "Dubya" Bush) are coming out with these books which pretty much blast the Iraq War policies that have been such a stronghold for the the current administration!!! I mean, most people could care less about that, but to me it says what the people on the "right side of the aisle" have not wanted to admit for a loooonng time...BUSH'S WAR IS NOT CRACKED UP TO WHAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE! Now, please understand, I try hard not to necessarily affiliate myself to a specific political party (I mean I voted for Gov. Riley in the past Alabama gubernatorial race), but I've found myself leaning more to the left during 2008 presidential race. Anywhoo, the reason why I think the fact that Buchanan's and McClellan's books are great and right on time is because, hopefully, it will force McCain to take a stance that might be somewhat different from President Bush's. I mean, don't get me wrong, I KNOW that there's no possible way that our troops will be fully removed from the Middle East for years and years to come. HOWEVER, in my opinion, there needs to be a more progressive strategy for the war, rather just staying over there while there are still suicide bombers feverently bombing the streets of Iraq everyday meanwhile the American public is being led to believe that there's progress being made in the path of democracy for the Middle East. While I would like to believe that TRUE democracy could be achieved in countries of the world, I'm also not naive enough to believe that we're gonna achieve this anytime soon ESPECIALLY going on the present path that we're on today. So, if McCain is president, then it is my hope that he revamps this whole Iraq War idea... Anywhoo, let me switch soapboxes and talk about the ridiculousness that's happening on the Democratic side for a hot minute...
3a) In my humble opinion, Hillary needs to close up shop. It's time for her to go. She has "fought the good fight" and she needs to be the lady that claims to be. I mean, seriously, she loves to talk about how this race is sexist and she's not going to quit but she owes it the women to look up to her. No, Hillary, what you owe is that $6 million dollars plus some that you've had to loan to your campaign because you're getting a many contributors as you would like. Also, Hillary, you owe yourself the dignity of stopping the spectacle that you and your husband have carrying on the the past couple of months when your advisors started telling you that it might be time to exit. Now, I will say this and I don't mind telling anyone who asks... If by chance Hillary does end up getting the Democratic nomination, I will glady cast my vote for Sen. John McCain. As much as I would love to see a woman as the head of our country, in my opinion, Hillary is not that woman -- or atleast not in 2008. I feel that she has good intentions, but she also displays that her emotions too often get the best of her and I don't think that would be good living in the world that we live in. I mean, we're constantly in conflict with the Middle East and given the fact that a large majority of Middle Eastern countries do not even allow women to look men in the eyes, I don't think Hillary would be a woman that could stand up to that challenge. Look at Condie Rice...she can go over there and present herself in manner that is not disrespectful but can also effectively convey her message without making herself look so stupid that news outlets constantly replay her blunders like they do for Hillary. She has had to stick her foot in her mouth too many times for my taste. Maybe in 2012, after she's gotten a psychiatric evaluation, she should try to gain the nomination...but, as for now? Yeah, Hillary, not so much...
4)Ok, one more thing...I promise :) Did I happen to mention that I'm somewhat nervous about this whole school thing? I mean, I've found myself seriously contemplating what my orientation outfit as well as my first day of school outfit should be. I've wondered if I should be casual and wear jeans and a shirt so that I'll be seen as "friendly and approachable". However, I've also thought about possibly throwing on a pair of slacks and pearls so that I can show that I'm "professional and up for the challenge". Lol!!! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Ok, I'm done with my randomness...Hopefully, I can now get some work done; or at least be able to do a little work until another idea floats into my head... I don't think I've ever told anyone, but I think that I might have a touch a A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder)... can you tell? lol!! Happy Thursday!!!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008 what now?
Initially, the nurses told my aunt and I that she would most likely be the best kidney match from my dad since they're biological siblings. Right??? Well, that didn't turn out to be the case... I actually came up to be the better match; more specifically, I was a 5 out of 6 match whereas my aunt didn't have the same blood type.
So, anyway, I went for a glucose tolerance test on this past Monday. It was tiring and my arm was bruised from being stuck so many times...not to mention the fact that I had not eaten since previous evening!!!
Well... I got my results and they won't let me go any further but the test showed that my glucose level was too low during the fasting period... So, not is this the end of the road in terms my giving my dad a kidney but it also means that I need to keep a close eye being a diabetic...
I just called my dad but there was no answer. I feel bad because I was pretty much his only known match so far and he was really counting on having this transplant by the summer... I know that God is in control and has His hand over this whole situation but I still can't help but to wonder "what now?"...I'm thanking God in advance for what's going to happen because I know that whatever His will may be, He is in control. Pray for me and my family :)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Feliz Seis de Mayo :-)
Yesterday, I went and spent about 5 hours at Kirklin Clinic to have a glucose tolerance test. I underwent that because I might be giving my dad a kidney... Anywhoo, I had to begin fasting on Sunday (5/4/08) in order to be "test-ready" on the next day (5/5/08). So.... as with fasting, in order to keep your mind off of eating, a lot of people meditate and/or become EXTRA introspective so that the thoughts of cheeseburgers and koolaid don't dance through your head like a semi-finalist on the show "So You Think You Can Dance"!
Well, thoughts raced through my head about what has happened over the previous year. I thought about how my dad was in a coma last year beginning on Mother's Day of last year. They said he wouldn't make it or if he did, he might have serious brain damage. Well, he's still here and I thank God for that!!!
Then, I thought about how I was in a job last year that was AT BEST okay, but it wasn't really something that I wanted to do. Or better yet, I didn't see myself doing for it more than a couple of years. But, in order to keep gas in my car, I would drag myself to work everyday. BUT, God stepped in, and even though I didn't know it at the time, made it possible for me to go back to working in a field that I feel passionately about -- social work.
I also thought about how I was glad that I finally followed that little voice in my head to go ahead and apply for grad school...despite my DEPLORABLE undergraduate GPA!! I mean, the worst they can say is "no", right? I'll still live, I'll still survive. But, to know that I finally got over that fear of being rejected was TOTALLY good for me because I let go of a huge burden!!
Continuing in that path, I thought about how I really just barely scraped by in college. I was much more involved in where the next party or set would be to even give my actual school assignments a second thought! However, I finished and I know that it could've ONLY been a higher power at work for that to have happened!!! But, to know that out of my maternal grandmother's 7 children and 13 grandchildren, I was the first to finish college is a humbling fact because I know that I didn't do it by myself!!! (BTW, this is a pic of the cousins who followed me as graduates of UAB)

Still, while sitting in the doctor's office and following a routine of having blood drawn for 4 hours and gulping down cups upon cups of water so that they could test my urine, still made me thankful...
To know that I can even be considered a good match and a potential kidney donor to my dad so that his life may possibly be prolonged is wonderful!! To know that I'm still here despite many times feeling as if I didn't... or to know that I've found a purpose and a destination in life when I didn't know what I what I should do the next day or even the next hour made me sooooo THANKFUL!!
So, in closing, I'd like to say that I thank God for the days with the sunshine as well as the days filled with clouds... Things could've been a lot worse and He has seen me through my share of pain, but I'm glad for them because it's a been a lesson learned.
I thank HIM for what's he has done in my life, what HE is doing, and what HE will do in the future...I'd like to think that I'm living a life of expectancy!! I expect great things to happen for me as well as everyone who reads this blog!! So, good day and FELIZ SEIS DE MAYO!!!!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A Reason Not to Facebook at Work...A LOOOONG Thursday Afternoon Rant
Well, anyway, my #1 person that I try to avoid is none other than my EX-boyfriend and I had the oh-so delightful experience of running into him on Facebook. You see, the "geniuses" at FB decided that implementing a nice, little instant messenger apparatus would be the icing on the cake for an already extremely intrusive webpage. I mean, GEESH...people can log-in and automatically see what you've written on someone else's wall in addition to the pictures of you that your friend might have posted that are less than flattering! Well, anyway....
I was online engaging in my own little "Nosy Rosie" activities and noticed that my ex IM'ed me...Now, that should've been clue #1 to get off especially since I have better things to do while I'm on the clock ;-) But, you know how it is...your mind wanders and you get a lightbulb in your head and it prompts you to surf the web. I digress...
When he first IM'ed me, he asked me something like "hey can we talk about somethings". Well, I promptly replied by saying, "no". Following my reply, I began getting a barrage of messages from him where he initially said that he "understood that I was going thru something and that I needed to pray about it"...blah, blah, blah. After like the second or third message, I finally broke down and basically said, "look, I'm not going thru anything...I just don't feel like talking about anything that isn't relevant to me...." Now, I felt like I was being nice by saying that rather that "please don't talk to me". I guess that was clue #2 to get my butt of Facebook, however, I stayed on Facebook ANYWAY!!!!
Well, once I sent that....all hell broke loose!!! He started off by saying that he noticed that I had been conversing with one our mutual friends and that it was obvious I just didn't want to talk to him... Now, stop...anyone else would've made that last statement and left it alone, right??? Well, needless to say, I finally let him go on with his rants and raves about how I never call and him yada, yada, yada...and just when I couldn't take it anymore, I responded!!!!!!
I told him that I didn't want to talk to him he's so negative to the point that once I finished talking to him, I'm not only completely drained but also utterly ticked off because he's C R A Z Y!!!! He's one of those people who has the "woe is me" attitude and constantly thinks that the world owes him something... Dude, you're almost 26 years old!!! Life is not fair, and whoever told you that it was has done a serious disservice to you!!!!
Anywhoo, the convo went on far longer than it should have and I could kick myself for entertaining such fooliness because put me in a terrible mood!!! Argh!!!
But, after going to lunch and having had time to think about it, I just decided that I'm gonna just gonna delete him as a friend on Facebook. After all, I don't communicate with him via phone calls or texts; so it's kinda pointless to allow a person like him the opportunity to use Facebook instant messenger to invade my life... So, I'm gonna go about the business of deleting him as soon as I can find out how to do
HOWEVER....I don't feel like deleting him as a friend is enough I much rather prefer tying him in a chair and giving him lashes with a wet towel... But, you know what would be even better?? If we were in medieval times, I could possibly get away with going to the village leaders and demanding that his tongue be cut out for various unfavorable infractions like lying and being a big, wimpy baby!!!! Oh, no I an even better one...a scarlett letter "J" on his chest for the word "jerk"!!!! YES!! Ok on second thought, I might have taken that too far as well :-)
But... just know, if you hear of a guy in the Birmingham metropolitan area who has mysteriously gotten branded the letter "J" on his forehead...then just pretend like you never read this, ok? Lol!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Ahem!!! Is this thing on???
So, until next time...I'm dropping the microphone a la Eddie Murphy in the "sexual chocolate" scene from "Coming to America"... powder blue tux and all... lol!