Yesterday, I went and spent about 5 hours at Kirklin Clinic to have a glucose tolerance test. I underwent that because I might be giving my dad a kidney... Anywhoo, I had to begin fasting on Sunday (5/4/08) in order to be "test-ready" on the next day (5/5/08). So.... as with fasting, in order to keep your mind off of eating, a lot of people meditate and/or become EXTRA introspective so that the thoughts of cheeseburgers and koolaid don't dance through your head like a semi-finalist on the show "So You Think You Can Dance"!
Well, thoughts raced through my head about what has happened over the previous year. I thought about how my dad was in a coma last year beginning on Mother's Day of last year. They said he wouldn't make it or if he did, he might have serious brain damage. Well, he's still here and I thank God for that!!!
Then, I thought about how I was in a job last year that was AT BEST okay, but it wasn't really something that I wanted to do. Or better yet, I didn't see myself doing for it more than a couple of years. But, in order to keep gas in my car, I would drag myself to work everyday. BUT, God stepped in, and even though I didn't know it at the time, made it possible for me to go back to working in a field that I feel passionately about -- social work.
I also thought about how I was glad that I finally followed that little voice in my head to go ahead and apply for grad school...despite my DEPLORABLE undergraduate GPA!! I mean, the worst they can say is "no", right? I'll still live, I'll still survive. But, to know that I finally got over that fear of being rejected was TOTALLY good for me because I let go of a huge burden!!
Continuing in that path, I thought about how I really just barely scraped by in college. I was much more involved in where the next party or set would be to even give my actual school assignments a second thought! However, I finished and I know that it could've ONLY been a higher power at work for that to have happened!!! But, to know that out of my maternal grandmother's 7 children and 13 grandchildren, I was the first to finish college is a humbling fact because I know that I didn't do it by myself!!! (BTW, this is a pic of the cousins who followed me as graduates of UAB)

Still, while sitting in the doctor's office and following a routine of having blood drawn for 4 hours and gulping down cups upon cups of water so that they could test my urine, still made me thankful...
To know that I can even be considered a good match and a potential kidney donor to my dad so that his life may possibly be prolonged is wonderful!! To know that I'm still here despite many times feeling as if I didn't... or to know that I've found a purpose and a destination in life when I didn't know what I what I should do the next day or even the next hour made me sooooo THANKFUL!!
So, in closing, I'd like to say that I thank God for the days with the sunshine as well as the days filled with clouds... Things could've been a lot worse and He has seen me through my share of pain, but I'm glad for them because it's a been a lesson learned.
I thank HIM for what's he has done in my life, what HE is doing, and what HE will do in the future...I'd like to think that I'm living a life of expectancy!! I expect great things to happen for me as well as everyone who reads this blog!! So, good day and FELIZ SEIS DE MAYO!!!!!
1 comment:
I pray that you are a match for daddy and he can continue to see his daughter prosper in life as a beautiful young woman. :)
And with grad school they will more than likely allow you to enter conditionally. So do not worry the Lord will take you on whatever path he feels is best for you.
I will continue to pray that you are the perfect match for your daddy.
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