1) Why am I really thinking about not watching the last presidential debate??? ((((GASP!!!))))) I can't explain the feeling besides the fact that I found myself screaming about the tv so much on the last one that I might need to refrain from putting myself under undue stress...plus I'm very doubtful that they'll talk about anything new that hasn't already been rehashed over a thousand times already?
2) Speaking of the debate...why do I get the feeling that SOME people (I'm not going to be specific) are actually scared of the idea of Sen. Obama becoming president??? I seriously have my own ideas on that one and could go on for days but I'm not gonna elaborate on that one, just throwing it out there... but please notice the pic that I have posted above
3) Why is that some people just don't get it when it's CLEARLY obvious that you do not want to be bothered at that time...almost nothing burns me up more than someone attempting to talk to me when I'm not in the mood...oh, but do not let the convo consist of meaningless banter...that's definitely a recipe for disaster!!!
4) Why have I NOT gotten past phase ONE of the South Beach Diet but have managed to lose 10 lbs? Great diet that fits well into my lifestyle EXCEPT for the fact that you cannot drink alcohol for 2 weeks??? (BTW, I'm not a lush; just prefer an occassional cocktail every now and then...lol)
4) Speaking of health...Why do people wait until their health is seriously on the verge of breaking them down before they actually do something??? I'm somewhat guilty of this, but I've also seen people literally heading into a brick wall (when their health is involved) and will still act of as nothing is wrong!!!
5) Why am soooo excited about the Magic City Classic??? My friends and I have been carefully all the details of the weekend -- from the events that we plan to attend to the outfits...Did I mention that I have every intention to wear my newly acquired Alabama A&M Bulldog t-shirt to tailgate (the best part of the whole affair) and I'm sooo excited to participate in this year's events as a "tuition-paying, book-tooting, student fee-having" student (and future alum) of ALABAMA A&M?!?!?!
I think my vision is a little blured this morning, but I can't get past that mans T-shirt. I think I might of had to hit him on accident of course.
Congrats on the -10. Keep it up my favorite lush.
I was trying to put together a fit for the classic also, but I guess a T-shirt would be just fine for me. What kind of shoes are you going to wear?
I'll be at Gate 17, second row from 8th Avenue. Beige & Orange RV. My hair is now auburn with blonde highlights and spikes, if you just happen to see me.
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