Story found on GlobalGrind.com...
A 25-year-old New York City graduate student is threatening to sue a T-Shirt designer after being assaulted for wearing one of his designs.The woman bought a $69 shirt from Apollo Braun's Manhattan boutique that bore the words, "Obama is my slave." When she wore the shirt on Tuesday, four teenage girls accosted her - shoving her, pulling out her earphones, and spitting in her face, according to the New York edition of Metro News.The unnamed woman is reportedly seeking solace by suing Braun - born Doron Braunshtein - for "all he's got," the designer claims. He, of course, is shirking any responsibility for the incident and says that the shirt reflects the views of "ordinary WASPs."“For a lot of people, when they see Obama, they see a slave. People think America is not ready for a black president,” the Israeli-born designer said.
“I can’t stand Obama,” Braun says, but claims that it's not because the candidate is black. “That’s the only thing I like about him. He opens the door for other minorities.”
“He reminds me of Adolf Hitler,” Braun explained, adding he does not like the Illinois senator because “he is a Muslim” — a myth that Obama apparently cannot escape.
The designer has sold several other anti-Obama styles from his boutique, including shirts with slogans such as “Jews Against Obama,” “Obama = Hitler” and “Who Killed Obama?”
Okay...so Dionne's thoughts on this are...
It's not that i'm opposed to anyone saying anything negative about Obama, but this???? Calling him a slave???? Really dude??? Are you SERIOUS???!!!??!! Who thinks to do stuff like this especially in this day and age???? Now keep in mind, I'm not the type person who is all about being poltically correct but regardless of where you loyalties lie, this shirt is beyond offensive!!! I'm telling ya, just as soon as you think that some progress has been made...people have to go and pull this type stuff out of their butt. Maybe if he had said something like, "Obama is my B*tch" that would've been more palatable; but to call that man a slave???? Wowww